Joey’s 2007 in Review

Joey offers his review of 2007 vlogs and identified 3 topics to be discussed in 2008.

1)  American Sign Language (ASL)
2) Deaf Leadership
3) Whole-System Thinking

May the best be with you in 2008!


  • SnoopyFreak02 17 years ago

    Happy New Year 2008, to you and everyone in America.

    Greeting from the Netherlands.

  • David 17 years ago


  • Cynthia K 17 years ago


    Great review! I saw a few topics I want to see again.

    Thanks! Cynthia K

  • DE 17 years ago


    Right on. Good idea to identify the topics you’d like explored further in 2008.

    Yeah- for all 3 topics, we need to take a honest and hard look at ourselves and be responsible with everything we say and do. 🙂 I keep reminding myself to be responsible, not to take anything personal, and keep my eyes on the prize- our Deaf babies’ happiness and success.

    I am particularly interested in the whole-system thinking issue– I really liked how Gallaudet University, rather than resort to finger-pointing, took a hard look and re-built our home from the ground up. It’s because they did it with honesty and integrity.

    Of course, a few individuals might not be happy and would continue focusing on naming people/finger-pointing, but Gallaudet still forged ahead, saving our home and empowering our community as a whole.

    Investing in ourselves (by always taking a look at our leadership, integrity, etc.), the community (by confronting the system rather than individuals), and our Deaf babies (by prioritizing them, ASL, and Deafhood at all levels) will pay off in our community’s long-term standing. It’ll pay dividends.

    2008 will be even better and more consciousness-raising than 2006 & 2007!


  • MABEL 17 years ago




  • John F. Egbert 17 years ago


    You have been one of my inspirational leader during the year of 2007 and more to come!

    I wish you and your family a wonderful year of 2008.


  • drmzz 17 years ago

    HNY to you too. It have been quite a year for your Vlog. How to change language, laws, and science that the powers that be are believin’ in? Our own U.S. govt is not seeing us eye to eye as a linguistic minority for further development, but rather via early intervention and prevention via another industry. That’s the challenge. Cheers.

  • DT 17 years ago

    As always, Joey, a good vlog. As for “whole system” thinking, might I suggest, as a starting point, the scuttling of the term, “deficit thinking”?

    Have a great year, everybody!

  • todos la vie 17 years ago

    Joey, I’ve always appreciated your calm demeanor and focus in your messages. The key message you just made, “stand back and re-analyze.” Let’s see what 2008 brings for us. Go ASL!

  • drmzz 17 years ago

    Forgot to add, cheers to DE for his contributions as guest vlogger this year as well.

  • RLM 17 years ago

    Eloquently well-said, Joey!

    The whole deaf community need to take a hard look at themselves what they have been doing positively and negatively toward other deaf people.

    Constant rumor and vicious gossip mongerings toward other deaf people without fact-checkings first are very troublesome!!!

    We really need to steamroll such destructive behavior patterns among us and do something worthwhile to enchance our deaf communities with real results in deaf education, de-fragmentation of deaf communities and embraceness of natural language use without being polarized.

    Wish you, Joey and everyone HNY 2008!

    Robert L. Mason (RLM)
    RLMDEAF blog

  • KyDeafie 17 years ago

    Nice vlog, Joey. Thank you for your work to help people better understanding of the deaf people, our society, improve the system and some other issues. Educating is the most important we need continue to do more to get the messages across, educate people in 2008. Remember when the aids crisis occurred, people went panic; we used educating as the tool to get the messages across, that indeed work, calm down many and saved many lives. We need to educate the people about deaf people, especially to the parents of their new born deaf babies, and keep on educating the importance of bilingual in the deaf children classrooms. I say we need to focus for more better education for the deaf childrens.

    A brief message to DE, You’re great! When are you going have your own vlog/blog website? I know your pages will be rich, educate many. I love your work. God bless you!!

    Happy New Year to you and everyone! I hope for the best in 2008 for us all the Deafies, (hard of hearing, CI, deaf, and all). All be united and be strong! Deaf is beautiful.


  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    Thanks to all for your comments above.

    Drmzzz – yes, we do have a challenge but it all depends on how we perceive things. If we look at positive things, we will certainly move faster! Let’s hope for that.

    KyDeafie – Yes, I am pushing DE to have his own v/blog site. Hopefully soon!!

    Happy New Year friends!

  • Jon Savage 17 years ago


  • LaRonda 17 years ago

    Hi Joey.

    Like Jon Savage above, I think I’ve seen all of your vlogs this year. All were wonderful and you remain a favorite among us all. You are an inspiration! 🙂 A true advocate for the Deaf Community.

    Having some training in Family Systems Therapy, I’m drawn to the last topic you look forward to discussing in 2008: Whole-System Thinking. You can count on my readership and participation in those discussions.

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

    ~ LaRonda

  • Jeff Holub 17 years ago

    Hello Joey,

    You have wonderful tools for last year. Now, you want focus on three issues.
    I am concern about American Sign Language (ASL) that some people want correct on people s American sign langauge. Even, I grown up in deaf school! enough is enough! unless I sign in ESL or wrong way… then I understand that! So, ASLTA or Deaf Professional around the world need work together and use commom ( ASL) or (FSL) their culture or country.

    Deaf Leadership is long way to go… we must work together with deaf, hard of hearing, coda, koda and other organization-all level of gov.t and business. Deaf Leaders need more vision on media, etc…

    Whole-System Thinking is very tough on deaf people and communities cuz of very big gap of education, knowledge, share info.,low morale and other… but we can do it help each other in deaf people and communities… right now, it seem crumble down …. but hopeful we do fix it fast!!


  • Deafchipmunk 17 years ago

    Happy New Year!

    Thanks for sharing your reviews with us all. Lots of lovely snow outside in Windsor, Ontario just south of Detroit. I am wide awake after a good night sleep!

    In principle, I agree with your three goals for 2008. I agree that we should not spend too much time on deficit thinking discussion. I like your approach of whole system thinking.

    I want to emphasize not you only but also many of you to think about Infant Heairng Programs or some may call Infant Programs to identify and interfere all new babies. In my view, we have made a serious mistake for not getting involved in Infant Hearing Programs. As I mentioned in my blog that for the past 5 years, there were only around 3 Deaf children to take ASL program. When I get involved in Infant Hearing Program for the past 5 months, 5 Deaf children and their families have taken ASL program.

    Can you imagine that thousand upon thousand children are available but we are not there for them. We need to spend our time and energy by getting involved in Infant Hearing Programs by setting up meetings and by providing positive information about ASL. All of them apply to your vision of ASL, Leadership and Whole System Thinking.

    I must admit that I am quite disappointed that very few have taken that seriously but most of others have missed their targets by getting involved in Infant Hearing Program. It works very well and I will continue to do that to rescue Deaf children from ASLless world.

    Happy New Year

    David Kerr / Deafchip

  • Nick Vera 17 years ago

    Since the beginning of 2007, I always enjoyed your top-notch vlog that educated me a lot. Your flower blossomed our community with many enlightening moments to push the hearing community to wake up about our language needs to faciliate the communication essentially. Particularly, you just mentioned about the whole system thinking. Indeed, it is important to take this discourse to bring our community’s attention to improve ourselves into the beyond of the future.
    Please stay on the air to get more interesting discourse.
    Happy New Year to your family and our community especially vloggers and bloggers!
    Nick Vera

  • Karen Mayes 17 years ago

    Hi Joey, I enjoyed watching your vlogs, as well as the guest vlogs.

    Yes, let’s face more positive growth. I am interested in whole-system thinking what you brought up, to see how it could be applied to us, to help us become more accepting and less judgmental as we noticed in the last month of 2007.

    Also, it would be nice to see the v/bloggers AND the commenters to be willing to be held accountable for what we say. If some of us post rather hostile comments, the moderators could ask us to rephrase the comments into more approachable words and that would teach us to develop and refine our critical thinking. That would be a good resolution for all of us participating in the DeafRead.

    HNY :o)

  • John Critser 17 years ago

    First, Happy New Year!

    I would like to comment on the perspective for 2008 in the vlogging world. Anybody who participates, whether that be vlogging, blogging, or as commenters, we should look ahead towards what the real crucial issues are, the main issues. A vlog can be educating, it can be entertaining, or filled with a tirade of deficit-thinking, or even a pure subliminal message indoctrination, or anything of any shape or form.

    I feel I have disclosed a lot of personal things as a commenter in 2007, and would like to change that, because as a commenter, I need to be more general than specific.

    I just felt getting things off my chest in regards to my experiencing audism and other elements of being a Deaf father, Deaf husband, and a Deaf man as a whole, but as I look back to 2008 I wish I had expressed some things differently. I do remember that the Deaf world is a SMALL world. Issues needed to be brought up to bring awareness to conflict of interest issues, audism issues, and others.

    I am looking toward the new year of 2008 to continue as a regular commenter, but in a new light and with a more careful research of the main issues and more ambiguity in discussing the audism issue which even Deaf professionals are uneasy with sometimes.

    I also would like to blog, and perhaps vlog as I find my niche for 2008. That is my resolution, to become more visible to others physically, instead of being too comfortable with typed comments. That will be a challenge for me, because I am not known as a public signer, I feel more comfortable socializing in ASL in actual places rather than staring at my webcam camera and do re-takes to get it right, it doesn’t feel natural that way.

    Sometimes I have to challenge myself, as a Deaf cultured man, to embrace the vlogging would not just as an observator, analyzer, and commenter, but as an actual vlogger.

    It is very important to have self-esteem and to be proud of who you are, not to worry about what others think about how you sign, do you move your mouth, et cetera. It is true that the fluidity of ASL, the catchy titles of the vlogs, and ion how one expresses in the vlog will be the determing factor in how successful the vlog becomes. It’s a character defining moment.

    Even as a commenter, my character has been defined, and whoa, I have to realize that and I look toward to make my mark in in 2008 doing a better job as a commenter, and look towards greater things, and to continue seeing the BIG PICTURE. I hope everyone can do the same in 2008, and wish all vloggers, bloggers, and commenters the best.

    Deficit-thinkers: We have defined what Deficit-Thinking is through various vlogs; let’s close 2007 as a year of learning, and let’s move on and look towards the exciting year of 2008 on a positive note with optimism and full support of ASL as a language, with a culture in the Deaf world that is alive, full of awareness, with the constructive dialogue constantly circulating in Deaf community, which in turn, educates everyone.

    Let’s become more open-minded and have a more amiable approach towards Deaf-centered issues.

    Let’s come full circle in 2008!

  • Roberto 17 years ago

    Thank you joey for all of your vlogs this year, they were very informative. Look forward to more in ’08.

  • pdurr 17 years ago

    Nick used the term top-notch vlog

    i would totally concur – from the professional quality of ur video footage and compression, to the sophisicated level of ur content, and the eloquence of your delivery

    ur vlog site sets a marvelous tone for positive discourse

    also ur posting of other guest vloggers or video / events – is really important

    if gives folks who have important things to sign out about a safe and secure and respected place to share

    i thank u for all u do

    ur work has been instrumental in advancing the medium of vlogs for visual rhetoric

    re: ur goals for 2008 – i’m all eyes

    re: whole systems thinking – not sure if it fits here but i have been thinking about something a friend shared with me – he said there were two hearing professors at Gallaudet (married couple in sociology – he thinks) who wrote a book or long paper re: oppressed groups withint the Deaf community and they identified d/Deaf people who work in Deaf schools / programs/ universities as the most oppressed

    this hit me hard – obvious yes in some ways but hidden as no one really talks about this

    im still trying to hunt down the source – would really like to read and examine it more

    regardless – it might tie into some of ur explorations for 2008

    again thank u for ur hope, vision, and “good” work


    patti durr

  • Platonic's Eye 17 years ago

    what a charming and simplistic that is all I can say! You did great job on your vlog lately!

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    For comments #16 to 25 – thanks for making a time to leave comments. You and all commenters are truly an inspiration to me as well.

    I look forward to many more positive thinking among the vlogs/blogs!

  • Karen Mayes 17 years ago

    patti Durr, really about the deaf employees at the deaf schools as the most oppressed ones? I’d be keenly interested in your future sharing this part with us… since I was under an impression that they were often happier working with other deaf people, even though the majority of schools were state-run (I am assuming it had to do with the states’ attitude toward the deaf schools… here in Indiana, ISD is seen as an agency, not a school, by the state, which is not helping much.)

  • Dino Capone 17 years ago


    Your vlog of 2007 has accomplished in a positive note. I thank you and how much you’ve tried to preserve our deaf culture as much as I do. has a mission to reinvent our deaf culture just like the concept of “Whole Thinking System”.
    The only Deaf Adult oriented entertainment has reached milestone and we’ve got lot of e mails responding with a word “PAH!”. “Pah!” was invented by us, deaf! Now, the hearing world will learn from us.
    Your effort does contribute to the society and again, I appreciate this as well as other vloggers, too. Keep it up.

    Warmest Regards,

    Dino Capone

  • IamMine 17 years ago

    Nice job on editing a lot of your previous vlogs! I’m impressed!

    It’s really amazing how a year has gone by so fast!

    I have to admit that due to going to school full-time had cost me missing some of your vlogs and a lot of other people’s v/blogs, but I had seen just about every earlier vlogs you did! 😀

    Looking forward to your presentation at the DeafRead Awards via webcast (?? Is that right??)

    Happy New Year to you, too, Joey!

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    IamMine (#29)

    I know the conference will be shown via webcast but for the Awards event, I am not sure. Maybe you can ask that question on DeafRead Extra to find out.


  • Cynthia K 17 years ago


    Will 2007 vLOGs be available for reading during 2008?

    Hope you keep DE on as guest vLOGger. He has such interesting things to say. You two complement each other!

    Thanks for all of your hard work! Happy 2008!!!!

  • ella lentz 17 years ago

    naming three issues you intend to explore and share more thoughts for 2008 is excellent!
    I just want to say that California Association of the Deaf is just fortunate to have had you, Clark Brooke, and Adele Ann Eberwein share and apply what you presented to us about Whole System Thinking and I look forward to CAD continuing to be trained on it throughout 2008. You vlogging on aspects of that excellent way to reflect and evaluate on an organization/agency will benefit CAD (as well as others) with good review and examples that will continue to promote us to analyze, evaluate and improve the organization.
    Once again, I thank you for your support of CAD in 2007 and of many many other organizations and individuals!!!! We are real fortunate to have you as one of our great Deaf Leader! and one to push for excellency in ASL!

  • Sandra Goldstein 17 years ago


    Keep on doing your good work for the year of 2008!!!

    Happy New Year!

    Sandra Goldstein

  • Nancy 17 years ago

    Just returned from Austin to overflowing messages and just got to yours. I have not read the earlier responses so, here goes: one more area: the medical field – the whole system!

    Oddly enough, in reviewing my messages, I found much of the same from my Pug rescue group. It seems that one member was pretty negative in her comments about a specific situation.. Oh, boy! There was an avalanche of emails telling her to go fly. She later capitulated and peace now reigns.

    Were it so easy with the Deaf community!!!


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