This video discuss few examples why the leadership failed at Gallaudet. We are in need of better leadership there. BoTs, please take responsibility and clean up the mess at Gallaudet.
This video discuss few examples why the leadership failed at Gallaudet. We are in need of better leadership there. BoTs, please take responsibility and clean up the mess at Gallaudet.
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I really like this video very much.
ReplyI agree with him 100 percent. No questions about it. Very well said then. Unity for Gallaudet!!
ReplyJoey Baer, I am very proud of you…You did very outstanding in video of \”failed leadership at Gallaudet…I strongly agree with you 100 percents…We all must fight and TEAR Jane and Jordan DOWN! WE must have a victory of a Unity for Gallaudet…
God Bless Deaf Community members and FSSA..
ReplyAwesome awesome, I am praying that ALLLLL BOT members did look at this. It is very clear. Thank you Joey.
ReplyGreat Presentation! Make sure u send to all BOT, IKJ, and JKF. They should act immediately after watch your vlog. Way to go!! Unity for Gallaudet
ReplyBlew me away! As usual, you have this gift for ASL that reaches out to a mass Deaf audience very easily.
ReplyYeah! i strongly agree you 100000% don’t give up !!!! Let’s fight for us, unity of gallaudet..
god bless y’allllllllll!
Replyhey joey,
very impressive!!! your presentation is a very clear and visual loud to anyone. you gave and shared what LEADERSHIP is…well-done!!!
I got it. It’s better Joey baer’s idea make movie show make people get understand what happens situations. Really 100% Make people angry and invoited of supports of Unity of Gallaudet! We want do it fight Unity of Gallaudet!!! I want cherish of GALLAUDET!
ReplyVery impressive, Joey! We all should give a full support for a new leadership, but at the same time, we should thank IKJ for his 18 years of service. It’s time for a new change.
ReplyUnity for Gallaudet!!!
wow, great vlog! very clear and right to the point! it would be great if there was a translation of this vlog for others to understand. (btw, the word distrupting is misspelled – it should be as disrupting) 🙂
Joey\’s Note:Ă‚Â Thank you for the correction.Ă‚Â Unity for Gallaudet!
ReplyDamn right! This video says it all.
ReplyA very thoughtful and beautifully presented vlog. Thank you!
Sharon Duchesneau
ReplyThank you, Joey!!! You made it all all good points to indicate Gallaudet University as our cultural forever! We give 100% support for a new leadership now. Its time for IKJ and Jane GO GO NOW! Gallaudet is our mecca as well! Unity for Gallaudet!!!
ReplyDeafhood Power Spirit Forever!! Moreover, ASL alive forever!!
Thanks again.
Wow! Your presentation in this ASL log is incredibly great! Jane and IK Jordan are ones who are afraid of facing the major change at Gallaudet. You are absolutely right that numbers don’t lie. I am pretty sure that more Deaf people and other ASL users wil find this enlightening. Thanks for sharing your perspective on Jane and IK Jordan’s leadership skills with us through this ASL log. : )
ReplyAWESOME! Well summarized and said… I truly hope that there be a resoulutoin to this mess. Way to go – Joey!
ReplyHey Ron –
Your ASL Vlog “Jane + Leadership = Audism” is beautifully done too!!!
His vlog can be found at:
Replyexcellent points. Can you have a transcript so the peoplle not fluent in ASL can see your presentation? 🙂
ReplyThank you for your comments. Right now, Rob Voreck is translating my presentation. It will be available as soon as possible.
ReplyGreat job, Joey, as usual. Your vlogs are outstanding! Let’s hope Jane will resign. The longer she stays, the worse it’s gonna get.
ReplyEX ASL vblog with clear and valid points (finish).
ReplyA lot of us share that frustration and feel that Gallaudet and its current and future students deserve much better through proper leadership, language, and vision. We will not give up. Thanks.
AWESOME! Well summarized and said…
ReplyBeautifully idea that you described the leadership qualities that IKJ and JKF don’t have. Your show already reached No.1 in Primetime Television of Neilsen Ratings. Congratulations! In addition, it may give me great benefit to learn from you. Thank you!
ReplyKudos to Joey! Crystal clear presentation!!!
Joey gave plenty of time putting this together. Hope the outgoing and “Ingoing” Gally administration watch this presntation, BoT, too
incredible job!
ReplyBeautiful and well said! Your arguement is justified because you proved the fact that it is impossible that an old dog learn a new trick like Jane and she will never change as it will always be the same strategies. King and Jane shared same strategies for Gallaudet. Change for the better is what Gallaudet need. I applaud you for your truth and courageous. Unity for Gallaudet (in ASL united same Gallaudet)!!!
ReplyYou have hit the nail on the head!
I like how you attacked the system!
A friend hit the nail on the head the other day…. saying, “Did you know that rabbits run faster than the lions? Why do you think the lions always manage to eat them? They do not run faster!”
I said, “Really? I didn’t know that fact… I mean, I thought Lions ran faster because they are bigger!”
“Nope, that’s probably what the rabbits thought, too. So what do they do? They froze out of fear.”
We are not animals, I know that, but there are some similarities in behaviors in regards to fear.
Anyway – I am NOT perfect in English and you are way smarter than I am, Joey, but when I first read this:
“We are in need of better leadership there.”
It’s implying that Jane CAN lead, but not as good as we expect a leader to be.
She’s NOT a leader and has ineffective managment skills, period. I know what you meant, though! 🙂
I have two questions, though.
I hear Jane is a nice person, but then I hear she’s cold. Is she like that “Shining” guy? lol
And why didn’t you talk to her about the protest from May when you had the chance to talk to her in July?
Sorry for so many questions! 🙂
Well done on the reporting!
::two thumbs up and shuts up::
ReplyWonderful and beautiful asl vlog explained about leardership..
Don t forget to add the Hunger Strikers at closing.
Thanks Joey !
ReplyI’m with ToddE, I am amazed at your ASL – so easy to understand – it’s helping me see more and more about how shaky the ground Gallaudet stands on – and it’s just so wild that IKJ and JFK isn’t doing anything at all.
Thanks for being so clear! I look forward to more vlogs.
ReplyIf Jane can’t lead us to the water when we are thristy then she will have to forget us. Giving us a leadership that will lead us to the water and we will drink until we are full with satifaction .
( Joey, I am well-pleased with your update about the concernation on failure leadership)
Jane, please let go of your pride and resign.. Give back Gallaudet the pride.. Thanks
ReplyOutstanding Vlog!!!! I agree with you all the way.
ReplyVery good job! Joey –
Very clear and concise….
and very objective one
Keep up the good work! =^)
ReplyYour ASL presentation is incredibly appreciated! We caught sight of IJK and JKF’s current leadership as “INABILITY of their duty to influence, motivate, respect, and enable faculty, students, staff, and alumnis to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of future Gallaudet.” The administration office and the BoT are constantly failing to accept faculty and students’ two recommendations until JKF ‘s resignation is submitted! Unity for Gallaudet, FSSA, and also Deaf people!
ReplyA truly FEAST for the eyes! Your discussion offers concise points pertaining to the shoddy leadership at Gallaudet (including the BoT). Beautifully said, Joey!
Reply*double thumbs up*
ReplyI agree with you all the way at your presentation concerning the leadership itself. You did a splendid job in video signing. (shaking hands up)
ReplyYou did good job in views. Jordan should not involve in Board. Jane should be forced to resign at once for our sake. Why she is stubborn. I agree with you all the facts.
ReplyWave our hands up for you. Also my wife, Cornelia are supporting you.
Bro Joey! One eloquent presentation!
Leadership is not an easy subject to explain. The measure of leadership is not quality in the head, but the tone of the body. And the signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers. Are the followers reaching their potential? Are they learning? Serving? Do they achieve required results? Do they change with grace? Manage conflicts? (“Leadership is an Art”, Max DePree).
While I sincerely appreicated one dinner with Jane, I left bewildered. And having witnessed how she led during the protest is simply a disgrace. Her conscience and tones is terribly driving her followers away.
Now, how in the world does she think she can and will lead??? Gallaudet BOT, step up and take charge!
Love you!!! Brother Mike
ReplyJK, please get the point that YOU are not LEADER for Gallaudet University! Joey, I agree with you 110%, and I kept all of the students, FAC, FSSA, and Deaf people in the world-wide in my prayer and thought. Please don’t ever GIVE UP!
ReplyYour explanation in order about “Failed Leadership at Gallaudet” is awesome but it is very true. Let me tell you about my experience…I attended Gallaudet in 2001 and 2003 til I graduated in 2005. In 2004 I was at the Audism workshop to watch people asking JKF some questions about ASL. She did not want to share with anyone who believed in ASL. After the workshop, I asked JKF about students who fluent in ASL including me should be accepted. She told me “No…both English and ASL”. I said nothing when I saw her almost every day. I am not against hearing people but I noticed most audists were on the campus. I believe about 95% of hearing at graduate school, HUG (Hearing undergraduate) was increased to 25%, and CODA kept growing. Some staff can’t sign, and few of my professors signed in ASL.
ReplyJKF calls the FSSA protesters “anarchy and terrorism”…Obviously, she is WRONG person to be president of Gallaudet University. Agree with you that IKJ and JKF needs to go. May God bless everyone for their hard work! Don’t give up! Keep ASL alive! I wish I could go.
Bull Eye! Big Thumb Up!
ReplyGreat video! Very inspiring to those in the dark on why we all are protesting! I agree its the system that needs change and to change it we need a new leader within the system to inspire the change! Way to go Joey on the great video.
ReplyHello. I like one of Joey’s comments, any deaf people can be president. But on thing to keep in mind is what kind of deaf people? Someone with connection to Gallaudet or no connection? Fraternity/sorority connections?
ReplyThere need to be a list of alternates candidates for Gallaudet President. Start something without Anderson, Stern and Weiner. Just a new fresh bunch. Many FSSA talked but they don’t walk the talk.
Joey gave his excellent A+ presentation and what he said truly inspired me. I knew him back in DPN time, 1988 when he resided in Cosgwell Hall across my door. If he got his doctoral degree, then I know he has the potential to be better Gallaudet president and true leader than Jane is, no question.
ReplyGallaudent is not just a “university”, but represents the Deaf community- it is our “only” university and the students have a RIGHT to decide on who will be their president. Gallaudet has to give the student body a legitimate vote on who will become president. I would like to see the policy change to give the student the RIGHT to vote for the qualified president of their choice. I don’t like the idea of BOT to decide and vote only on who will become president and shut out everyone else included students. Remember we should have, “!!!Democracy in Action!!!” So far, I don’t see Gally’s BOT let democracy in action yet…Thanks for your awesome presentation and keep up good work, Joey!
hi our joey,
what a beautiful presenation!! you gave me /us goose pumps.. Great and almost perfect video!!!
ReplyWAVING HANDS!!!! Lets hope for the better future in Gallaudet.. yes i agree!!!
Joey, you are a dynamic presentator! It is much appreciated by all. I agree completely with you. I would like to see the hiring process be investigated and how the finalists were chosen. Too many excellent candidates were eliminated by the process. It seems that the hiring process is fixed. Also, We need to increase the heat on BoT as well as on Jane. Joey, keep up good work!
Well description… you always have described or explained clearly in any way in the past. Great idea for VLOGs. Great way to inspire us! We surely need it.
Jane needs to go, because she made us displeased and dissatisifed. Leadership is to please his or her group regardlessly, and Jane’s leadership provides that she fails her group. Jane, go away and let us move on!!
Unity for Gallaudet!
ReplyWhy can’t they resign now!?!
Biggest Thumbs Up!!! You, Joey do such an extreme job!!!! Agreeable– 100%
I feel JKF should resign even though she is a nice lady. If not, the situation at the Gally area might go to worse……… Who knows?
Warmly, eln w-bee
Replywe are getting tired of hearing what Jane keeps picking many unnecessary EXCUSES! Focus on the University only.. Not outside issues! Jane… Jane.. time to resign NOW!
ReplyHello I’ve added your site to my blogroll at
I’d be pleased if you’d add my blog to your blogroll as well.
Unity for Gallaudet!
Ken Samson, Gallaudet Alumnus ’92
ReplyDear: joey B.
I really happy hear it that great one about video with give me read wow !! No mistake happen and are go be make up 1 million perecents with you !
i want to keep up fight them with work hard chagre in future ! i make go to pary are nation deafness with usa. with follow up bible in god faith way !
never give up, ( need make to new chagre unity for gallaudet with workshop of asl and deafness alway forever !
From: Pittsfield Mass.
Awesone + god bless to you, TK of Joey B.
ReplyThis is time to change! I King Jordan haven’t shown the world what we are, we are truely Deaf!
ReplyWell said … no … well signed! Joey, run for President!
ReplyYou are flawless! Your presentation is outstanding and understandable! I praise you as a strong leader in the deaf universe. I am very proud of you, too.
Joey, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you! I can picture my former student, your baby sister, Theresa jumping with joy when seeing you in your Vlog! Beautiful! and many other adjectives on how well you had detailed all your opinions with your clear ASL skills, including signs and fingerspellings! …I am yelling like a cheerleader, “Hey! Hey! What did you say? Go get Jane out of our dear home, Gallaudet University! Fight! till she resigns!”..Again, I am absolutely proud of you and Thersea joins me in sending you our praise for your marvelous job! We love you!!!
ReplySupercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!! Class Act , Joey! Hurry up and get your Ph.D so you can be next 10th President hee hee. You have the chrisma, intelligence,leadership and you know that too. Smile!
ReplyJoey, you did an AWESOME job explaining clearly for others to understand what protest stand for!
I support the UNITY FOR GALLY!
ReplyJkf said a “silent majority” supports her…hah
ReplyHey King of 3 point land!!
Just let ya know that Irving Jordan is hiding something and his puppet Jane is trying to protect him from being arrested. Thats why Jordan is fighting hard to insert JF to become president so that way Jordan can hide away til the dust settled. DONT LET THAT HAPPEN!!!
Now my 17 years old daughter is “tired” of seeing protest prolong lately which she really wanted to see Gallaudet go back to NORM living. That made me real furious and wanted to personally kick both of evils out with my southpaw foot!
Your 3 pointer king bro, Todd
ReplyJoey, beautiful said!!!! We need someone great leadership just like you… I really enjoyed all your VLOG’s and all your comments have been very clear and making me understanding more things very clearly especially when i am 3000 miles across! Keep up the news and esp your beautiful update news to us and the deaf community! VERY IMPRESSIVE and lot of handwave from San Diego for you! Keep it up, if you was to run for president, you got my vote *LOL*
last thing, hi joey…. dont know if you remember me, i gave speech in one of your class long time ago about food culinary related for one of career oriented classes for your students. Probably 9 years ago!
Well done – both delivery and argument. You built a compelling case calling for Dr. Fernandes to resign (or should we say decline to take office in January 2007).
Thank you for maintaining this valuable and meaningful VLOG site.
ReplyHi JB,
Biggest Double Thumbs Up!! You do such an extreme job.
I feel that JKF better resigns so the Gally situation would not go to worse. I’d not consider her a bad person but I think it would be best for Gally’s future’ sake.
You did a very great job on the video.. I think better let Jane resign now.. Because Gally University has many great deaf leaders.. No needed her to be president of Gally Univ. So, it will make the Unviersity successfully in the future!!!
Thank you,
Wow! Joey! You ROCK the Deaf World! I already sent your ASLVlog link to my 2 US Senators and 1 US Congress. Hope they will be aware of “Failed Leadership at Gallaudet”.
I did even sent your ASLVlog to US Senator Harkin because he told me that his Deaf brother used to work for US Postal Service at Star Bucks in DC in 1999.
They already know that I have Deaf son that needs a good deaf leader to follow!!
I want to thank Deb from South Dakota shared her comments! My Deaf son really likes her alot at NLLC !!! He wants to go there again next summer!!!
I cannot believe what I saw this link: (I am really SHOCKED!!!)
Thank you Joey so much !
ReplyJoey, I remember you when I was a grad student at Gally (class of 1986). I knew you were going to do great and wonderful things! This explanation is the BEST!! I am sending it to all my friends who don’t understand the Gallaudet situation. Jordan forgot how powerful the students are, and he forgot who had the power to make him president!! Unity for Gallaudet! Keep up the great work!!
ReplyJoey, Excellent job! That is what the viewers need to know what is going on at Gallaudet Campus. You provide the facts. I have heard from some insiders at the Campus who witnessed the bloodshed activities and this MUST BE AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
An American Economic professor once said “There are 3 important players in economic; they are customers, business, and the unions. When all three of them are in balance, the economic is healthy.
Jane, I am not happy about your vision that you are trying hard to bring into Gallaudet system. Do not use the students and the ones who voted against you for your personal advantage, the money. STEP DOWN NOW.
Jane, BoT will have to make tough decision and it might be against you in a long run. People would not want to work with you and your obstinate behavior. Start step down NOW.
Jane, I have said it again, pay CLOSE ATTENTION to your consciences. What have you seen in your eyes with all of the protests that occurred since last May? What does it tell you? Naturally, those students are not the “thing”; they are the souls who depend on their vision (eyes, the primary communication mode) for learning purposes. Please start your true leadership skills and love for Gallaudet University by stepping down.
Joey, Thanks a million for excellent video product! I look forward more of your work.
Unity Gallaudet!
ReplyThis is definitely rocks! What a failed leadership meant to us? We need a wake-up call for everybody. We have something to do right away. There are two things I suspect that IKJ and JKF might have. Number one is Favorism. The favorisim will have a messy leaderhsip. Other hand is greedy. If JKF gets a job, she probably wants to use the 600,00 salaried job. I am sure there is a policy that JKF might not to do. For example, JKF may give an inappropriate amount of money to wrong organization, or she might bribe someone to do a job. That what we are afraid of! Don’t give up until the action will be taken care of! Kudos to all of you!
Matt S. Class of 1993.
ReplyAwesome, Joey. I hope this will wake up to BoT, IKJ and JKF. We do need Leadership who can able to do for our future in Gallaudet. I wish this video can be show on all News across the nation to clarify the confusion of what are the reasons the protesters are doing on Gallaudet campus. Many hearing and reporters are misleading and misunderstanding on what we are fighting about for our school.
Steven Class of ’88
ReplyLet us nonimate JOEY BAER as the next Gallaudet’s Board of Trustee Chairman after this upcoming major sweep! We do not need a person with a PhD in lieu, we need someone who is a leader that has CLASS. You are a gem, Joey
Peace !
ReplyAmen! Lord already created us a reality of deaf, philosophy never success us, the deaf people. We dont need deaf power since He already rolled out red carpet for us to walk and move with his guidance. Anyone should not stop us til He says SO! Please listen to Lord’s deaf children. Please!
ReplyExcellent, execllent…well articulated. I wonder if you should become our next President and if not, at least you should be appointed to the Board of Trustee. Tom Coughlin ’72
ReplyI shared about my experience at CAD 100th Gala also, I have comment about your vlog:
ReplyGood Vlog, Joey! Your ideas were clear and gave me a vivid picture of the leadership problems inherent in Jane F. My Deaf daughter wants to attend Gally when she leaves high school, so we have followed the protests regularly. I applaud the faculty and students for sticking to their ideals. It was very interesting about the July dinner conversation you told about, and how Jane handled it. She is obviously in this for the power and influence of the position; that is why so resistant to resigning. It is that “look what I have done” attitude. I agree with you totally: Though she might believe she has support outside Gally; the support should be FOR and FROM Gally in order to make this continue as the best and only Deaf University like it anywhere in the world.
ReplyBig waves from my daughter to you!!
Your video is so awesome and make all of us understand what’s going on. Also see inside of Gallaudet. I agreed with you Joey 100% and I support for Gallaudet FSSA. Remember our 18 years ago we had DPN (Deaf President Now with Jordan) and today we have another DPN (Delete President Now!) I am so furious to know all happenings there especially that damm bulldozer incident on purpose on Gally Tent City and hurt several students. Jane, get out of Gallaudet, period! Don’t you (Jane) realized you have caused so much troubles and problems, not us! We need a better leader! Unity of Gallaudet!
Lala Roberts Class of 83
ReplyWell asled (said)! We think of people who are on the frontline holding their places for us and needlessly, they need our help as I thought why don’t we think of something more impacts by using our (anyone who would be willing to use all means of technology to make it more interactive) media like videotaping, interviewing, setting up dialogues with jkf and ijk, bot, conferencing, and any thing that could make more revealing as to make a better progress for us? To get our opponents to see both perspectives?
ReplyYour vlog on failed leadership blew my mind away!!! For a few days, I have asked everyone, especially my hubby Ward, about this issue and they said the very same about your Vlog. Your observations hit a bull-eye –I feel like I experienced the very similar observations through your eyes and walked in it together with the truest supporters! of FSSA! Bravo!!!
Ginny Paja Nyholm
ReplyE-’88 / G-’00
Hey, Joey, excellent vlog! No doubt about your talent ever since I knew you at NWAAD. I like your clear signing and presentation of the issue regarding JKF. You hit right on the head of a nail! You should get an Emmy award. Hang in there!
Well put! Everyone knows about IKJ ‘s power and control and JKF being unwanted. It is the BLIND BoT that lacks the leadership to oversee Gallaudet University program. Voices and comments have been heard from all over the world. BoT are the ones who put Gallaudet into shame. BoT, wake up and do your job accordingly!
ReplyYour speech is perfectly brief and yet so incredibly POWERFUL! Thanks, Joey, for your inspiring and courageous example! It was shocking for me when first receiving the news that we’re yet having this repeated selection of an inappropriate candidate for the president position at Gallaudet. I just can’t comprehend what the board of trustees thought they were doing for the good of the Deaf community and for Deaf Gallaudet students and faculty! As a Gallaudet student (Class of ’86), I had one professor who talked constantly with his voice throughout his class lectures and used signing only about 30 percent or less. Even his few signs were very unclear! I am also quite dismayed to find out recently that the famous drama department once headed by the famous Gil Eastman has now long since been shut down due to budget cutbacks under the leadership of King Jordan. This drama department and its’ famous productions done in pure A.S.L. was once the pride and joy of the Deaf community and the Gallaudet community!
ReplyBy the way, Joey Baer does seem like an excellent candidate for a position on the board of trustees or even possibly for the position of president! Way to go!!
WOW !!! A terrific presentation !!!
ReplyLooking forward to your future ones !!!
UNITY FOR GALLAUDET, the Beacon shining onto the Deaf Community – the world over ! Let us keep the bright light on always !!!
Well, well, well! What do we have here? A speech that precedes all vblogs or blogs! Dont get me wrong, but they all have their meanings and they’re well-taken and recognized. But all in all, Joey pinpoints the root of the problem. He nailed it. Take my advice: dont just react, ACT!
“Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.” – Lucy Larcom
hey all of staffs and students and leadership i want to have deaf person become president of this place because it set up in many years by deaf person man of his real last name of gallaudet set up the college till time to unity of gallaudet that alright and both is same way for those! i rather that this person who is deaf to become president of campus to make keep going as leadership that this campus students will be happy around this place! i still support gallaudet s needing since i was not student of unity of gallaudet but i still support with their needing to be leadership for this campus that i rather deaf instead hearing! i am from georgia school for the deaf also florida school for the deaf also phila school for the deaf that i was graduated from phila school for the deaf and also our friends who were going over unity of gallaudet that why i still support for those! bec this unity of gallaudet is deaf period! it is feel myself belong there bec it is deaf! guess all i have to say but i still support with all of students who are in unity of gallaudet! i cant blame with all of students have right to be strike to make right to get good leadership of deaf instead another as like hearing or who dont know sign language and i rather this person who know sign language as asl or deaf person! your sincerely lauren kim cribb {mcclain} from cave spring, georgia
Replydo we know any of Gallaudet’s mission statement and goals for the next few years and what was Jane proposing so far? I like to see those before we chose to “protest” once again if those written plans does not concede with our deaf ideals….I was there during ’88 protest and I know we made few mistakes during our first time protesting…but in the end, we came out skyrocketing success more than expected( we had the world of Deafs on our backs in solitary)…boy, am i glad i got someone from my classmates got more white hairs than i do, ha
ReplyExcellent presentation! I am deaf and I have not attended classes at Gally – growing up lipreading and speaking, and like, Jane, I learned to sign as an adult.
I have talked to a number of folks, read letters posted on the Internet and read other published information. I agree with Joey, the leadership is lacking – and equally important – there is a break-down of COMMUNICATION.
Technology and culture are evolving. When I King Jordan took office, CI and digital hearing aids were a dream . . . more deaf are enbracing technology Gally needs to evolve to accommodate folks who use ALS and those who use oral communication.
Gone are the days where the deaf worked in the pressroom or factory. Most deaf seem to be working in the hearing world. The students need to learn to communicate in written English. Without communication skills in the common language in the USA, it is very difficult to succeed.
Gally needs a president who has foresight, communication skills and leadership skills. It does not matter if this person is black, white, purple, – male or female – old or young – the person must be able to communicate and lead.
ReplyVery powerful statement! The closing part gave me goose bumps! You are awesome! Thanks!
ReplyI like your video presentation and agree with you! I fully support GU FSSA with demands that JKF to resign or be removed, reinstate presidential search, and no reprisals for protest participation. Gallaudet Faculty, Staff, and Students: Don’t Give Up!!!! We as alumnus are behind them.
Unity for Gallaudet!!!!!
ReplyExcellent Job, Joel !!! Thanks for sharing with us your lecture about “Failed Leadership at Gallaudet”!!!
ReplyI may be a very late bloomer in giving a comment on this. You made some very clear points on what leadership really means. Another pointer: the true measurement of intellect is a person who asks questions. This means the questioner wants to learn & listen.
ReplyVonne Gulak.