DBC Conference: A Huge Success!!

With the DBC Conference being held right now in Milwaukee, Joey shares his observation that DBC conference is a huge success already! Congratulations!!


  • MikeS 17 years ago


  • deafawe 17 years ago

    I have been following the DBC and BOY, I wish I could be there at the conference! Congrats to the success and look forward to see more DBC conferences! When it comes closer to where I live, I’ll go!

  • deafster 17 years ago

    I was informed by my wife that there was a pretty good number of participants at the DBC conference, I believe over 500 people. Wait until we see the exact number from the DBC group. Hand-waving to my wife and the DBC participants!!

  • deafk 17 years ago

    Thanks for the update!! 😀

  • Jon Savage 17 years ago


  • MJohnson 17 years ago

    Thank you for a good information what is going on there.

  • Gary Brooks 17 years ago

    Hi Joey!

    Hope everything good with you 🙂

    I am glad to hear this and sound like they are in good processing. Hopeful that AGBell and DBC will come along and realized that ASL play a significant role to Deaf Children. I hate war, I pray for peace on this Mother Earth.

    Have a great summer Joe!
    Gary 🙂

  • Kathleen 17 years ago

    Hi Joey
    It is great to see you in you V-log express your sincere thoughts with expressive emotions in your ASL speech. I do agree that DBC is important organistion to all of us,deaf as well hearing people who value ASL. It is very important that we,the deaf have ASL as our main language in our life time. We need to be the role models to the younger generation and to the hearing population in You Tube and other websites where they can find and learn.
    Thank you for your invaluable input,Joey.

  • J.J. 17 years ago


  • debby 17 years ago

    I wish I can be there. Hope AGB will see how many smart deafies are there and realize that speaking does not make them smart.

  • Lisa C. 17 years ago

    Thank you for giving us some update.

  • Platonic's Eye 17 years ago

    That is good news, it is showtimes as I expected of what DBC goes on!!! Beginning is here now!

  • deb ann 17 years ago

    I’m so thrilled, Joey! Thanks! 🙂 I wish I was able to go, but I’m so glad everything went really well.

  • PANY Lighthouse 17 years ago

    I have been keeping an eye on the DBC conference progress via blogs and am enthralled that it is a success from the beginning, even though we were not able to attend but are with them in spirit! Looking forward to many more and beyond!

  • Sarah 17 years ago

    Went to DBC yesterday and today! Wow! What an expirence! Thank you DBC!

  • Ray S. Parks Jr. 17 years ago

    I am all thrilled that the DBC conference has been highly successful!! It is now the time for all hearing educators to show respect for ASL as the first language of the deaf — as much as we respect English as part of our bilingual education. It is very imperative that we, living in New York state, start a state chapter of DBC in effort to further enhance education of the deaf; at this point ASL has not been given proper respect as a true language and also has not been regarded as a great educational and pedagogic tool. There is another educational organization of the deaf in NY state, but it tends to focus on the medical/pathological part.
    Congrats to those leaders in making the concept of DBC happen in America!!

  • LaRonda 17 years ago

    Hi Joey.

    It’s such an exciting time! An historic event this weekend that I’m sure will live on in Deaf history. I wish I could be there. I’m in Monterey, CA this weekend celebrating my anniversary with my hubby, but I’m watching the DBC news and I appreciate your vlog to keep us updated and inspired.

    ~ LaRonda

  • Judge 17 years ago

    hey everyone..

    Good news from NTID/RIT … It’s about AGB – will remove the name from the hall.. Will share more when I get home!

    Glad to know that DBC is doing very well over there!

    Thank you for updating us.

  • CheryLfromMA 17 years ago

    Terrific!!! DBC rocks!!! ASL!!!!

  • Diane 17 years ago

    *Grin* I lagged behind on this news. Wow … Way to go. I have read and watched many v/blogs about this last night .. actually in the wee morning. I wish I could be there to support the DBC! We need to be heard! The first time of the DBC conference has a very good number of wonderful Deaf and HH participants! I am impressed!

  • Lisa C. 17 years ago

    Wonderful! Thanks!

  • RLM 17 years ago

    I am much regretful for not attending the DBC conference in Milwaukee so far.

    One thing is I really hate most is to deal with the hassles of searching and buying airline tix at reasonable rate.

    I am in NYC right now. I feel pretty guilty for not going to Milkwaukee.

    Finally see the real Joey Baer with your usual ASL signings as compared to your vlog presentations. You seems more natural and at ease signing your own native language.

    I understand that the presence of videocam could influence your signing style.

    Akways a pleasure to view your vlog and thoughts.


  • Deafchipmunk 17 years ago

    Hi Joey and everyone,

    I wanna tell ya all that DBC convention was CHAMP! We are now driving back to Canada this morning. I have never seen best convention in my almost 30 years of convention participation.

    I have learnt so many new information from 6 wonderful presenters as well as many old and new friends at the convention.

    I finally met many of vloggers and bloggers and I really enjoyed them so much.

    It is really sad that some people have said bad things about DBC convention. I find that strange is that they did not participate and yet said bad things. I find that very strange but we can keep our positive approach. It is all about Deaf children that need REAL language, ASL!

    Will vlog soon….


  • To Joey Baer 17 years ago

    My, what a mutual admiration society we have!

    I’m curious… what are the criteria you used to determine this as a success? You said 500 attendees. Other than that, you said nothing except that a couple of friends said they had a good time. If so, then that’s setting the bar very low.

    I would like to know if any hearing parents attended this conference. If not, then this conference is just preaching to the choir.

    Again, I commend your participation in this mutual admiration society.

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    #24 –

    It is not preaching to the choir because the participants certainly learned many new things. We learn new things everyday, don’t we? See Deafchip (#23)’s comment – even though he is very active in promoting ASL awareness and yet he said he learned so much.

    Other perspective I felt it was a huge success was that there were state chapters meeting to discuss on how they can become active locally. That’s a positive step and now they go back home with some tools on what to do next. That doesn’t happen often in different conferences.

    As for hearing parents, I do not have any info on that. Hope we will find out later.

  • JR 17 years ago

    I learned an enormous amount. The expression, passion and information all so powerful. 🙂

  • Irene Tunanidas 17 years ago

    July 1, 2008

    Thank you Joey for the update on DBC. I was unable to attend the conference in Wisconsin because I had already made travel plans three months ago. You mentioned that DBC is in the process of starting a college scholarship fund. I think this is a great idea. I taught the Deaf in the Ohio Public Schools and in the past a few bright deaf students from my program chose to attend a hearing college and I helped them with the paperwork for the AG Bell Scholarship. They were all turned down. I hope that DBC’s goal in starting a scholarship fund will come to reality in the future.

  • Lisa S 17 years ago

    What does it say about DBC never make a formality officially meeting with AG BELL? Did you see the AG BELL ‘s President Jay Watt interview?

    Check this out:


    Why did not DBC write a formal letter and set up a meeting with President Jay Watt to discuss about issues that can work together as other deaf organizations. It takes a village to work together to be successful or benefits everyone. We all need to have open mind and find solution to problems by strengthening the deaf community’s foundation, creating new knowledge, investing in innovative programming and engaging ourselves and other in long term approaches to prepare and successful, safe and caring environment for children to help them make health transitions to adulthood. It takes a village to make this work.

  • Lisa S 17 years ago

    Add to the # 29

    Now, there is a proof of AG BELL already provided information about Sign Language link through to National Association for the Deaf’s Website.

    Check this out:



    It seems it show that AG BELL is not the really enemy DBC made it to be. Like I say, DBC could write a formal letter and meet AG BELL and work together to accomplish the goal of American Sign Language (Bilingual/Bicultural) for children along with other communication options available for children that can benefits various of communication. There is no need for being so aggressive approach that DBC choose to advocates their organization, DBC need to find positive approach and education AG BELL by evaluate all forms of communication method that benefits deaf, hard of hearing and CI children. Such as public awareness by provide assistance family of various services in community.

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    Lisa S – (#29 & #30)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. While I understand what you were trying to point out, in my perspective, the links you provided is a grain of salt in their attempt to recognize ASL. Also in my opinion, AGB thought if they mention something about ASL, their job is done which is not a honest way of saying they support ASL. There ARE MUCH more for what ASL have done to many many Deaf people.  I would like very much for AGB to add links to CAEBER, DBC, some excellent research links then I can agree with your argument.  It is ALWAYS US that we must work with others.  Why can\’t AGB work with us too?
    Also, where did you get the word, aggressive? In my perspective, DBC is standing a STRONG stand with their beliefs and statements. It is how people interpret that DBC is being aggressive. I do believe that it was several b/vloggers who labeled DBC as aggressive organization butif we step back and look carefully of what DBC have done, they have done a great job and they are being bashed, that\’s really sad!

    Dr. Paddy Ladd is right afterall that Deaf people always find flaws against their own Deaf people.  We need to shift the focus that ASL has been denied to many Deaf babies for years and years.

  • Lisa S 17 years ago

    I bet AG BELL acknowledge about Sign Language, but they do not approach it deeply enough, so DBC can educate AG BELL and others by show tools, and research information about the importance for deaf, hard of hearing and CI children to learn sign language when they are babies to give them options of communication when they grow up into adulthood. It is worth of discuss about add links to AG BELL website regarding DBC and other deaf organization. DBC can make suggestions by write a formal letter to AG BELL and other organization to recognize the research links and resources available to everyone.

    I agree with you about what Dr. Paddy Ladd said, about “Deaf always find flaws against their own Deaf people”, so that is why it is important for all of us to shift our thinking and focus what is best for all of our children by open dialogue by work together without any bias.

    Like I say, it takes a village to work together to be successful or benefits everyone without any restrictions or limitless. It is a challenge we need to do no matter how hard work we do, but we must never give up to reach the goal for deaf, hard of hearing and CI babies to expose American Sign Language (Bilingual/Bicultural) along with other communication options that are available to them.

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    Lisa S (#32)

    Again, great dialogue here…

    Do you really think DBC needs to educate AGB? I am not too sure. AGB have MONEY and they can easily send few representatives to visit several Deaf communities and learn more about ASL and how it changed their lives. It is no question that AGB KNOWS that ASL is one great way to succeed Deaf children and they purposely ignore and hid the fact. If they have millions of dollars, why cant they just throw in $100,000 to start some kind of ASL research? They MADE money out of Deaf people and they are not giving it back to us, huh?
    Also, why do Deaf people have to do all of the work for \\\”hearing\\\” people? You see, AGB people are full of audiologists, CI corporations workers, etc and they will NEVER understand what it is like being Deaf and how ASL changed our lives and kept the community together.  If they never experience this, then can easily come and learn from us?

    I liked your two quotes-  \\\”it takes a village to work together to be successful\\\” and \\\”…open dialgoue by work together without any bias\\\”.

    The problem I see right now is that some b/vloggers are attacking and being aggressive toward DBC and some core members. To me, they are very aggressive. I can sense that they are out to wipe DBC out. So how does that will help us as \\\”a village to work together?\\\” (how does this differ with your saying that DBC is aggressive?)
    That\\\’s where I am struggling right now. Those v/bloggers who attacked DBC have lost their focus on how to work together.  Since I started vlogging, I always stood by principle and made myself clear that we need to attack the ideas not people. There are MANY people we can easily say bad things about them but that is not the issue!! The issue is LANGUAGE and we should be focusing on that!!

  • Lisa S 17 years ago

    It is an interesting analogy of your view of AGB and DBC. I got the appreciate of b/vloggers feel the aggressive of DBC, so I say there is no need for being aggressive toward others as you just mentioned that those b/vloggers attacking DBC and some core members. DBC do the same against AG BELL, so there is still bitter and aggressive surrounding v/bloggers and organization. It is best way to go by find a solution to representatives Deaf community by educate and give tools and information without any bias.

    I agree with you about the big issue is Language; we need to shift our focus on instead of bickering against each other whoever is right or wrong. We only can do is find a solution to the problems.

    I find it very interesting that AG BELL’s President Jay Wyant born deaf and know sign language. He is just a new president, so maybe he is more open mind than previous president? DBC can try something new approach by write a formal letter and go from there to see if there is any chance AG BELL will consider DBC’s importance issue on America Sign Language for deaf, hard of hearing and CI babies, and children. Jay Wyant says in interview that DBC never formally communicate with AG BELL. Jay Wyant welcomes DBC to contact him or AG BELL. Jay Wyant will accept DBC’s recommending how to coordination and be happy to consider to coordination or connection with DBC. Who knows? No harm by try to see if DBC can reach AG BELL with some issues.

    Do we have deaf lobbyist at the Capital? Why don’t DBC lobbyist and receive grant money to support the organization and expose information and advertising more about the American Sign Language for all deaf, hard of hearing and CI babies and children. It is a long road, but we all have to remember that DBC is only 11 months old and they will grow to a great organization as other as long they stay open minded and have no bias against others.

    Let’s see if there is a chance of AG BELL AND DBC to have some open dialogue, as DBC is a new organization, which take time to be recognizing by others. There is always new information that we can learn from each other and to help all of our deaf, hard of hearing, and CI children to have a better future.

    I wish the best luck of all organization to work together to reach the goal for deaf, hard of hearing and CI babies and children.


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