Secluded: A Deaf Girl’s Story

“Secluded” – Produced and directed by Melissa J. Kielbus, a senior at the California School for the Deaf.Β A Deaf girl feels isolated in a non-signing family. Her father, especially, has never attempted to embrace her. One night, the tables are turned- the father becomes Deaf. Will he understand his daughter better and bond with her? WatchΒ and decide for yourself!


  • Harmon Menkis 17 years ago

    cute tear jerker, sigh

  • KATHY GILLESPIE 17 years ago


  • Cousin Vinny 17 years ago

    This is probably the first and last time I’ll ever see you hold a cell phone to your face. πŸ™‚ Nice video, and hopefully it will touch a few parents out there.

  • MIishkazena 17 years ago

    aww what a tearjerker I like it! πŸ™‚

  • Matt Snarr 17 years ago

    HANDS WAVE!, send that messages to all parents who have Deaf children!!!


  • Debbie 17 years ago

    I love it with all my hearts…Yes, it does give a good impact toward hearing parents of deaf children and pray that they all watch your video… Never know you could change a hearing parent’s view with your fanastic video.

    Cochlear Implants should never be allowed to all deaf infants, deaf teenagers and young deaf adults.

    Smile, Debbie

  • Jean Boutcher 17 years ago

    Would that the emcee of the 80th Awards Academy had cut to your video this Sunday! Brilliant, Joey!

    Jean Boutcher

  • RLM 17 years ago

    Neato! Kinda hard to imagine for Joey Baer do some acting. Everyone surely do pretty good performance. Good to see Joey’s wife for very first time!

    Quality of production is surprisingly good! The hosptial scene!! Good job for being a producer and director, Ms. Kielbus

    Where is the extra feature for the Making of “Secluded” short film? Aha!

    The title of this short film should be “Excluded”, not “Secluded”. The word meaning of seclusive is no one around and isolated. Anyone dispute with me on this one? πŸ™‚ Just a ponder!

    Robert L. Mason (RLM)
    RLMDEAF blog

  • Merle Baldridge 17 years ago

    Awesome job done by all of people making this video. It touched my heart very deeply! I feel like crying aloud!

  • Ella Lentz 17 years ago

    Cool! I look forward to more productions from MJ and thanks Joey for your role in encouraging her production skills!

  • Deafchipmunk 17 years ago

    You did a good job for making movie as well as providing people more awareness about relationship between parents and Deaf children.

    Well done!

    David Kerr

  • Steve Moore 17 years ago

    Why not you forward this vlog to AGB!

  • CoachCreech 17 years ago

    Thump up! That’s amazing and I am with B.B. comment. Kudos!

  • Regent Gendron 17 years ago

    Cool show!

    When I was young boy, my dad did the same things, he encouraged me having cochlear implants three times. (two years apart) During his last suggested to me, I said no, I don’t wanna it. He said, oh, you don’t want communicating with me? uh?? I said, why can’t you learn sign language? he said, he was too old to learn then I said, oh, you don’t wanna communicate with me? After that, we never talked about cochlear implant!

  • George 17 years ago

    I just love this ironic story but a real good one!!

  • Deaf TX Guy 17 years ago

    Great show with happy ending! This should be expanded to 2 hrs movie for us to enjoy watching and eating popcorns instead of hearing movies!

  • DianneK 17 years ago

    That was a good story. Hope it will make people realize what it is like to be deaf and to be accepted by the hearing parents for who they are. Love it!

  • John Critser 17 years ago

    That was a true portrayal of a Deaf youngster frustrated initially by the parents’ indifference towards the Deaf child’s needs. Not every Deaf person can speak.

    I have been in communication with other CI bloggers via comments and I don’t know what I got myself into. It’s a hostile territory. I try to disprove them but they just kind of corner me. Discussions via comments became heated. I become somebody else because of their speciality in psychology reversal which can be entrapping sometimes.

    I feel more comfortable in the Deaf cultural “waters” because I never had to get into a debate with anyone. It’s only with the oral/CI communities that I find myself in clash of cultures.

    I search for a better way to commence myself in a more assertive way in responding. The CI community seems to try to emphasize how wonderful it is to talk exactly like a hearing person, and how important auditory skills are. They feel that the Deaf culture folks hate the world of sound. I don’t necessarily agree with their assessment of our cultural ways. It’s the oppression and audism that we have to fight back against, and that is when they jump at their opportunity to criticize us for wanting the world of silence as opposed to the world of sound.

    I think this film was a very accurate illustration of how Deaf children do feel in non-signing hearing families.

    I hear CI community people say all the time, “Everybody in your family doesn’t know sign language or have the time to, they are all not going to do it for just one Deaf person.”

    I think that’s, wow, I can’t describe it in terms of how that makes us feel when they say that. They feel we are better off learning to talk for them instead of THEM learning how to sign for us.


  • Carrie Gellibrand 17 years ago

    What an awesome movie! I hope to see more like it, especially since students are so creative with great ideas. Wonderful of you to be so encouraging and supportive of MJ in her movie. Please have other students make more more more! πŸ™‚

  • Julie Rems-Smario 17 years ago

    LOVE IT!!!


  • Jay 17 years ago

    Amazing work! I have enjoyed this!

  • DJ 17 years ago

    Well done Joey…as a hearing parent of a deaf daughter, I can’t imagine NOT doing all you can do to communicate with someone you love.

  • Nick Vera 17 years ago

    Extremely Powerful medium! You should earn 12 Deaf Academy Awards to win the record.

    FYI, this film will be my all-time favorite!

    Cheers and toast to you, Joey!

    Nick Vera

  • NavyBeagle 17 years ago


  • Dustin 17 years ago

    Wow! That’s good start to educate the hearing family members learning to sign.

  • debby 17 years ago

    Very good. Several years ago, a teacher lost her job because she was following the wishes of the deaf student’s parents that he watch TV without CC. A deaf advocate walked into the school and, without asking what was going on, assumed it was their policy to force the children to watch TV without CCs.
    Today the teacher is an ASL instructor. She is required by the State to teach different methods of communication to meet the wishes of the children’s parents.

  • Dina 17 years ago

    Love this video. It does happen to several parents who still doesnt accept their child being deaf.
    Joey, you speak?? I can’t imagine. Ha!!

  • LaRonda 17 years ago

    Well done. Kudos to all!

    ~ LaRonda

  • Deb M 17 years ago

    Wow, what a tear jerker! I wished my Dad was alive to see this so he can learn to communicate with me.

    I pray hope this video will wake up hearing parents of deaf children that it is ESSENTIONAL to communicate in ASL so child of hearing family will be able to “bond” with their own families.

    Lipreading and speech don’t work! Too many words looks and sounds similar that leads to miscommunication and misunderstanding.

    ASL do not cause miscommunication

    ASL do not cause misunderstanding

    More power to you!

  • Carol Hallada 17 years ago

    I love your vlog. Its a big impact to several of my Deaf Mentor families. Julie, you are still pretty and sweet as always. I still recall you sweet smile ever since you were young.
    Hugs, Carol

  • PaulaJean 17 years ago

    As a great supporter of Deaf youth, this hit home with me. Kudos to Melissa and thanks to the Baers for their participation in this production so it could be seen and “heard” worldwide. I look forward to more of this kind. Way to go ~

  • Steve 17 years ago

    I’m impressed by your first production and a powerful medium. Kudos to your team for a successful project and hope for more!
    Seeing Joey talking made me laugh. πŸ™‚

  • deb ann 17 years ago

    thumbs up, Joey for this clip and yes, all deaf children would want to have a converstaion with their parents in sign language. It’d be the best thing for them to have a bond relationship. I’m so lucky to have my hearing parents signed so well and wish that parents of CI children can try to learn sign langauge. It won’t hurt to try! They can speak and sign with their CI children in both ways.
    Way to go!

  • MJ's cuz keira 17 years ago

    hey MJ this video really had me weirded out!!!! when it said ur dad i thought it meant really!!! but otherwise it was pretty good. but u were great!

    luv ya,

  • Kevin Mills 17 years ago

    Congratulations on an excellent video! I think you did a terrific job multi-tasking on this project–producer/director/writer/
    leading actor…wow! You assembled a very good cast and the production qualities are also very well done. I’m very proud of your work and going to tell everyone to check it out. Keep up the good work.
    Uncle Kevin

  • Ronald Lynn Preston 17 years ago

    Yeah! That’s what I feel like! I am profound deaf and legally blind… My parent can sign, pretty good,but, not fast as ASL. Well, I am lucky that, my parent been keep and take care of me, during grow up with hearing world!
    I have no plm with my parent!!!!! LOL!

  • Terri Watts 17 years ago

    Amazing performers!
    Giving you full lump of kudos!

  • Shane 17 years ago

    Hands wave! I have always wish my parents and relatiives to use ASL to communication with, not only to me but each other.

  • JohnABC 17 years ago

    Hands wave! At the end, it shows the true love! It would be nice to show on national tv!

  • deafkathy 17 years ago

    You all actor/actress in this video clip are nomiated for the Emmy Awards!
    Wonderful job!

  • Kryst 17 years ago


    Thank you for sharing the excellent “secluded” movie with us! I wish you could produce more movies in the future, because you are an excellent actor! I hope that some organizations will be able to pay you for your next movies. Good luck!

  • Sheila 17 years ago

    Joey, your film mates, and the crew that made the video/captions possible, what a wonderful video! When your character said to turn the captions off, reminded me of at least one member of my own hearing family that doesn’t like the captions on either so that really got me!!!! Keep up the good work and I hope to see additional creative videos such as this, in ASL and with captions so all can follow. Hands waving in the air!!!! Sheila
    PS does the webcam comment work with iMac webcam??? Let me know so I know whether it works or not. Thanks!!! S

  • Sonny 17 years ago

    This little movie is fantastic! I’d love to see this to become a full-featured movie!

  • Eliseo 17 years ago

    Hi Joey, I am totally agree with this situation, I always want to have my parents to learn how to using ASL and My parents are so strong speak spanish but I do teach them how to using english so that way we can communcation eachother, by the way this movie is so AWESOME and GOOD WORK! I am sure you still remember me.


  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    Ebody –

    Thanks for your comments. MJ Kielbus and her classmates are working on other movie called “Deprived”. It will be about 30 minutes long. It will be released sometimes in May! Stay tuned!!

    Sheila (#47),

    Yes, you can add your video comment using Macs. Go to this link to learn more about it.

    Eliseo (#50) – I certainly remember you and glad you enjoyed the movie!


  • Wanda 17 years ago

    I recently subscribed to your website but I didn’t know what you look like. When I first watched the show, I thought the father was Hearing but he didn’t act like a Hearing Man. He kept looking at his wife’s face when talking. And the way she talked to him here and there is the same way a hearing person talks to a Deaf Person. When he woke up “DEAF”, he didn’t react the way Hearing reacts, I realized the joke was on me. It’ll make a good story when stretched longer. Intense. Dramatic. Alfred Hitchcock styled. Funny in the end. Hope you’ll make more.

  • Someone 17 years ago

    GREAT short movie!

    Keep them coming!


  • jt 17 years ago

    yep, nice idea.. keep it up! =)

  • SDA 17 years ago

    MJ Kielbus ~ Brava! Good job!! Make more!!

    Joey and Julie ~ You both did a great job of acting as hearing parents. Especially you, Julie! You could have fooled me if I didn’t know who you were. Your performance as a hearing mother was great!

    All of you – keep up the wonderful work you are all doing! πŸ™‚

  • Sean McCauley 17 years ago

    Joey, I am surprised that you also have oral skill too. I always thought you grew up in only sign language. I didn’t realize you can speak too. WOW!


  • Raywk3 17 years ago

    Very very Moving. Should be shown in all schools

  • Ted 17 years ago

    I did enjoy this very much and I am hard of hearing and I can speak well with my parents and friends and I have no problem with them most of my life. I know that lot of deaf people DON’T speak their own voice. But they stand up to hearing people and shown them that they can do just like hearing people.

    These video are very very awesome job! These people are very example of what the deaf people feel bout these hearing people. I applaud these people who make the film. Keep up good work!

  • Ronald B. Zeleski 17 years ago

    Double trouble Two Thump Up, BRAVO Hand Wave or BRAVO Applause!…

  • Molly McCarthy 17 years ago

    That was a great video! I will show it to all my friends!


  • michelle 17 years ago


    So true!

    f o r t h e m o s t p a r t.

    Who says CI and ASL cannot be compatible? I sign to my deaf child and she has a cochlear implant.

    A common misconception in the Deaf community that it is an either and or situation. Not true.

    We are a family that embraces both ASL and CI. There are more of us out there.

    Good video production!

  • Roger Williams 17 years ago

    I like your shows and you did good job !!! Keep deaf pride always !!!!

  • DeafWoman 17 years ago

    Wow! Wow!! Loved this short but powerful clip! Can this be used in commercials…about bringing communication gaps together? I agreed with John Crister, it’s not the point of wanting to hear sounds or preferring to stay deaf…we’ve accepted ourselves for who we are…why can’t we be accepted and cherished by others just as we are? Truly, it is more like John said “It’s the oppression and audism that we have to fight back against…”.
    We, who are deaf, have worked hard to speak, to the best of our abilities, communicate with our hearing families, shouldn’t they, (who never learned), learned to use ASL to communicate…bringing both worlds closer.
    We, highly, encourage all parents of deaf/hoh or CI children to communicate in ASL and speak as well if they can.
    BIG KUDOS to everyone that made this wonderful clip! Keep it coming, folks! πŸ™‚

  • Jac 17 years ago

    Good short movie.

    Joey, I am not used to see the way you are acting as “hearing” parent as you speak without a sign language. I used to see how you are as fully deaf person.

    Otherwise you all are wonderful into a movie. That is very good example for all hearing people to understand better their children’s deafness.

    **Waving hands**

  • Donnie Craig 17 years ago

    Well done!!! Reminds me of this great movie “Mr. Holland Opus”. I cried like a baby when I first saw it in the theatre. Whatever methods we use, the ability to communicate to one another is what life is all about.

    Great job!!!

  • Heather Chmaj 17 years ago

    MJ did a wonderful job with this short film. it had key points about how a deaf child is frustrated with hearing parents. this film should be shown to hearing parents. it is critical to have good communication relationship with deaf children! do make more short films MJ!!!

  • Ken Mc Lellan 17 years ago


    It’s about time for kids to speak out…. I work as peer support for the Deaf among rural towns…no conversations at home… I’m going to let them seeing that secluded vlog!

    Thank you Secluded Crew!!!!
    Thumps up!

  • Judge 17 years ago

    Joey, i didn’t know that you can speak!

    Good show.

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    To Audrenne (#71) and some of above –

    I was born profoundly deaf. Like many others, I took speech classes when I was little and I was able to lipread and move my lips well even though I can’t hear anything.

  • Sandra Goldstein 17 years ago


    I enjoyed viewing your “movie”. Drama is in my blood.

    The character , Kachua, was so happy to hear in your dream. If I were her, I would not be happy to hear. I would love to remain silent as a deaf person.

    I would be so proud to be deaf. This movie might give wrong concept that deaf people really want to hear.

    I am curious if you speak well. You had a voice interpreter in the movie???? No mention about voice interpreters???

    All in all I enjoyed your movie anyway.

    Sandra with giggles πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  • IamMine 17 years ago

    Finally caught up with this today…. wow.

    Good short story movie!

    Your wife is incredibly beautiful! You two did great together!

    I watched Barb’s comment vlog and I had the same thoughts as she did – on both perspectives.

    Great job!

  • Shane Mullen 17 years ago

    good one joey.. guess what? i am the one deaf person in my hearing family. long rough journey for me while that time for me in my childhood. in real world, hearing parents dont understand till they see this movie, i bet they will realized and understand what is this about! hopefully…life’s journey is continue… lolz

  • RW 17 years ago

    Deaf is deaf, Hearing is hearing, Enough is enough. AGBell do not bonded to them.

  • Taz 17 years ago

    this video does ROCKS! I completely understood the story, put huge smile on my face! πŸ™‚

  • todoslavie 17 years ago

    HA, I couldn’t help but giggle over you and Julie acting hearing. So cute! I noticed that you both couldn’t stop using facial expressions even during “speaking.” πŸ™‚ All of you are natural actors. Creative writing and directing.

  • Jon Savage 17 years ago


  • Neal Golden 17 years ago

    I was impress with the video. I wish all parent could understand the frustration of being deaf. I don’t believe the cochlear implant is for everyone. The video finally made people see the other side of the fence of being deaf. I am sending my parent this video so they can see what I went through with my life. Eventhough the cochlear implant did make my life a lot easier, but I don’t believe it’s something that everyone should be force to get.

  • Jackie (Sloan) Stover, AR. 17 years ago

    an excellent idea to expose to hearing parents of deaf kids to know what it is like to be deaf and to appreciate whatever sign language there is to use.
    If you were in another country, you would feel isolated until you learned their native language. so that is exactly how we, deaf or hoh, who grew up isolated until we met older deaf or hoh friends and learned ASL to feel connected.
    Please share the world our language, we can see you but we cannot hear. We want to be understood by doctors, nurses, parents, for emergency, business or social purposes.
    Thumbs up!

  • Nancy M. Carroll 17 years ago

    What a great clip! Short, sweet and powerful. We need more of these to educate the general public what it feels like to be forced to hear. Kudos to all involved with the production of this movie.

  • LYNN 17 years ago




  • DonG 17 years ago

    Oh Joey, Joey, Joey! You’re just full of secrets! First we find out you had a child we never knew, and now we find you are secretly a Hearing person! I laughed seeing that, but see my site for a discussion of why we laughed at this.

  • Randy 17 years ago

    Hey! I’m speechless and hit play button over and over. This is a very good example for other parents that need thinking to do before doing this to their children. Hope it’s a power enough to spread around for all people to see your video. Good job!!!

  • Susan Hight 17 years ago

    It is awesome. My father become profound deaf and He finally understood how I feel since birth and become more involed with hearing impaired.

  • KyDeafie 17 years ago

    What can I say? Wow! It’s truly a champ! *Hand Waving*

  • h... 17 years ago

    about hearies turning off captions…..

    last fall i visited bro’s ranch. i noticed his tv’s caption on. i thought it was nice for them to turn it on for me. a few days later, my sis in law told it is been left on since my bro has hard time understanding what tv is saying. i was like OH. He is been hh since toddler. but he could hear pretty ok then. his hearing gets worse lately. he hated hearing aid but he now uses it all the time. he still opposes CI. he is the worst signer in my family. can you imagine?

  • SnoopyFreak02 17 years ago

    Great job and I love this short movie. I have been frustrated myself because my parents dont use sign language to communicate with me at all for a long time. They prefer me to speak with them. Most of time, I do miscommunicate with my parents if I dont understand what my parents were trying telling me. That is very frustrating!!! I wished that my parents could use sign language but they did not.. phew! I am glad that you did show that short movie and this is really wonderful. I showed this movie to my parents how I felt the same thing. My parents did not say about it however I think they might understand how I felt. Smile!!! Keep up with more movie, Joey and others!!!

  • Patty Reaume 17 years ago

    This movie is so awesome and not realized Joey played in this part as a hearing dad. You all did a great job in this short clip. I am deaf in my whole life and wish my mom accepts me as a deaf child.
    She never want me to involved in deaf community. Her dream for me as a hearing person after work so hard thru speech therapy and acupunture to improve my hearing . Nothing happen as I am still deaf. One time I told my mom that I am completely deaf and she mentioned NO and I am hard of hearing. I never know sign language until I went to community college which they have a deaf program. I learned a lot there with sign language and met many deaf people. I was so happy there. I never want go back home again. So far, I am still using sign langauge and my kids are hearing as they are using sign too. Just want to tell you I love your short clip movie! Keep it up in the future.

  • Kim Hungerford Carwile 17 years ago

    G-day Joey,

    You made the viewers feel so appreciated of your work in this project. It represents us, the Deaf of different parts of our life experience, mind and body. We are all demonstrating our wholeness, self-empowered, cohesiveness, positive identity and love for who we are especially with our native language and cultural identity.

    Here, you the viewers should be more than thankful to discover for who you currently are and also gaining support from your family, friends and school.

    How do the hearing parents of CI children react to this story? Other thing, what does the subject, “pathological view” from researchers represents us?

    I look forward to seeing your incoming story soon.

    Hands Waving and Fair dinkum job, Joey!


  • RFW 17 years ago

    Very nice! πŸ™‚ Hope to see more of this in the future.. HOWEVER *smile*.. Joey.. you gotta brush up on your acting just a tad. Caught you signing twice.. LOL

    it was during when you told your ‘daugter’ you didn’t want the captions on.. yeah.. THAT!

    …and again, when you told Kiara you thought she would like an CI.. looked like you caught yourself and ‘used your voice’ to finish out the sentence.

    go back and look.

    see? told cha! πŸ˜€ (grins)

    keep it up!


  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    RFW –

    I definitely noticed that and we thought it was funny!

    With the upcoming movie, “Deprived”, I once again will have a small role as a hearing person. Let’s see if I will do better job this time. πŸ™‚

  • Shawn Lattier 17 years ago

    EXCELLENT!!!!!!!! brief moive about children who have hearing parents so I’m one of them and understand how she feels about being left out and not being fair for her access. I’m soo glad there are sooo many techology that help deaf people have huge access to share abundance information deaf world so we can share to hearing parents who have deaf children enable to communicate with them rest of their life **wave** Keep it up

    Shawn Lattier CSDF 1991

  • jack 17 years ago

    omfg, wondeful movie! wish had it in commerical, for sure hearing people would have learned alot about deaf cultre, by the way good job my sister, MJ kielbus i hope y all make more movie like this, oh right stupid me ofc she s is making a 2 hours movie of that kinda topic, XD cant wait see that movie and give 2 thumbs hehe

  • jack 17 years ago

    WOOOOOOOT 100th comment XD i own hahaha this movie ownz too

  • Will Smith 17 years ago

    Hi, Wow this is very good movie, im am very impressed with MJ kielbus, sure i would love to see her more movie, Joey Baer can u send me email everytime MJ Kielbus make a movie or release on Vlogs.


  • Cynthia K 17 years ago


    This was great! I’ve heard about so many families who have required their Deaf members to be oral only. It’s dumb! My aunt is deaf. Her mom, some nieces and all 4 of her kids know sign. (She lives back east now.) I am shocked to know that these days, people still don’t recognize ASL as a language and don’t recognize that being Deaf is a culture.

  • Lindsey 17 years ago

    Love the short film! I m only deaf in my family. most of my family knows sign language to communicate with me. my mom were always pressing me to get cochlear implants and i gave in to make her happy but i do regretted doing the surgery because i dont like wearing it and it even didnt help but made it worse. i wish i could meet more deaf people like yall cuz i live in small town in texas and my friends all moved away. i miss them and miss signing asl with deaf people.

  • Ronnie B. Zeleski JR and Matt J. Spilane 17 years ago

    This movie was a motivating film that helped me explain to my friend Matt, Deaf Pride and Deaf Culture. I (Ronnie) am the son of hearing impared family and have a sister who is hearing impared also. These kinds of videos help me understand more about Deaf Culture and how it works. My friend and I truly think this is a very good film that definitly gets Two Thumps Up, Five Stars, and we would say it’s Oscar Worthy =D.

    BTW I agree with #61, My Dad’s comment.

  • freakyfriday 17 years ago

    Totally a freaky friday moment! Funny/sad.

    First time see deaf actors acting like hearing people.

  • Donna Ruth Genoese 17 years ago

    What a great little blog for hearing parents to see.
    It would give them a little insight as to what their children go through. As a teacher assistant w/dhh I see a lot of parents who don’t put forth the effort.

  • Steve 16 years ago

    I use sign, I am perfectly capable of hearing, I am a parent of a deaf child. My son had hearing for the first year of his life then lost it. No reason, no explaination, just pure dumb luck I guess.

    He is now turning 3, He is a CI recipient, he uses sign, speaks vocally, loves interacting with both hearing impaired and hearing children. Loves music and dances as much as his little body will take. We were offered the opportunity to have a CI. We as his parents discussed it, discussed it with doctors, other families of hearing impaired children and even with children that are also CI recipients. We made a well informed decision. Our son even got to help decide. He had hearing aids aswell and could hear noises of 90db and higher in a lower frequency range.

    We knew he missed hearing, we could tell just by looking at his actions when something was going on around him. He was tested to see if he was a candidate, we endured countless hours of meetings with different professionals and after a 10 month process he was accepted. He has now had his CI for a little better than a year. He still signs as it’s become habit in our house plus it is something that we feel he can utilize later in life for perhaps even a career. We are not Pro or Con anything. We just want what’s best for our children. If there is any backlash that we may get from him in the future we will deal with it then.

    But I ask this question to those of you that are opposed to CI as we have been approached in a mall when a hearing impaired person noticed our sons CI. If you were blind or even had vision problems and a device was invented to help you see and you we a candidate to receive one, would you take it?

  • Gino Villarreal 14 years ago

    Hello Joey,
    you did a good job with video. You ad your wife Julie were acting like hearing parents to Deaf daughter who are having been had a difficult time with you. It was good video.


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