“Inside Deaf Lounge” by June Alsobrook

Today, I want to honor this man, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He made it possible for the changes in this world so we would be free to do whatever we want. I don’t know where we would be if it was not for him and his wife, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, who died with dignity and honor. After she promised to carry her husband’s wishes and she accomplished his mission, although they are both gone, I think it is far from over. I’d rather not settle for mediocrity, however we have learn to live by today’s standards until changes are made.

As for the Deaf, we have much longer way to go, and we don’t have someone like a Deaf Martin Luther King, Jr. to fight for us. I think all you can do is support that National Association for the Deaf or National Black Deaf Advocates. They need all your support because without your support, it is impossible. Or why not be the first one to fight for the cause?

June Alsobrook
Atlanta, GA


  • Hetty 18 years ago

    An excellent V-log. Even though we’ve heard this from time to time, it’s always good to remind us stop and smell the roses and to appreciate people of all ages, races, etc.,

  • Carl Schroeder 18 years ago

    June made my day! Amy, too!

  • moi 18 years ago

    This appears to be very clear proof that you do embrace diversity. Ms. Alsobrook is different from you in many ways – signing style, gender, ethnicity, where you both grew up, and so forth. Yet you graciously hosted her thoughts on your site.
    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! Welcome to DeafBlogLand!

  • Luis 18 years ago

    I love it.!!! I love to learn from old deaf people because they are huge benefit to us since they learned many things from the past that we don’t know and help us not to make us mistakes again in the future. Thats the reason why we should share our information to the deaf children and have them empowering in greater future.

  • jon 18 years ago


    (both of my hands are up air and shake)

    I’m look forward to see more like you that come out and show to us on vlog and become vlogger!

    Thank to Joey, who honored to post her vlog on this website.

    Thank to Amy for make it happened by right time!

  • Carol A. Harter 18 years ago

    Oh, June…. that’s a beautiful example for all of us to earn a respect and wisdom from all walks of life. Thanks for making my day.

  • DE 18 years ago


    Loved “In the Deaf Lounge”. Exactly! And, thanks for reminding us to be human and to treat every Deaf person as if s/he was the most important person in the room. Everybody has something to contribute to the Deaf community and the world. Thank you.

  • martha fletcher 18 years ago

    hi june words about mlk very good. I try email u but no answer from u. I am protest for def at vocational collge u know the college not accept high school certificate from deaf/hard of hearings.I finish write to state representative pam stephson about problem. want u know deaf have people to fight for them

  • RLM 18 years ago

    Whoa! What an eloquent vlog presentation on the importance of racial harmony and educational/socioeconomic equality!

    That’s what we mostly need in our deaf community at large – less splintering across racial line and educational level.

    I often had been asked by pretty numbers of deaf people why I bothered of having conversations with mentally-challenged and non-college educated deaf individuals outside my educational and socioeconomic level. I simply told them that I actually enjoy such conversation (s) with all walk of life. People are people!

    I do not believe in political correctness or personal hyprocrisy how I would look in front of people. I rather see every of us as a person, not falling under racial category or socioeconomic/educational level. I always hate seeing deaf people use the color of skin to describe such an individual. Why can’t we simply use the given name of individual?

    I remmy one hearing individual, who strongly disagree with the concept of “colorblind” society last seventeen years ago. He pointed out why can’t we simply embrace everyone’s difference in racial and cultural terms. Excellent perspective on life itself what we are supposed to be all about.

    Robert L. Mason (RLM)

  • Colin 18 years ago

    Hey June, your vlog couldn’t have come at a better time for me to read – on MLK Jr’s day.
    Thanks! We all need a moment to reflect.

  • Vadim 18 years ago

    So true. Thanks for reminding me 😉

  • Harold 18 years ago

    I was a teacher of deaf in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands in 1974 – 1980. During the first Orientation days for the new teachers the goal was to have the Virgin Island natives become future teachers and leaders.
    There were three deaf classes and 22 out of 24 students were black West Indians.
    I encouraged them to be well educated and develop higher education and leadership skills.
    Two girls were sent to a camp in Minnesota which was run by Frank Turk and Gary Olson.
    Several families were sent to the Learning Vacation at Kendall School.
    Some of the students attended Model Secondary School for the Deaf and other schools and graduated from there.
    A few Virgin Islanders attended Gallaudet University. One of them was the first Virgin Islander college graduate.
    A chapter of the National Black Deaf Adovcates is established in the Virgin Islands. About 10 years ago there was a conference in St. Thomas.
    I am very proud of the deaf Virgin Islanders’ success and accomplishments!

  • Mark Hill 18 years ago

    Totally agreed with June not only just what June mentioned it also applies to deaf persons with other disabilities such as cerebral palsy, deaf-blind, developmental disabilities and other dsiabilities who may have high respect in the profession and leadership. We all can share experinces and laughter together Hats off!!!
    Mark Hill
    Vice President
    Cerebral Palsy and Deaf Organization

  • Penny 18 years ago


    Beautiful message! I hope there will be more Deaf black people come forth to share their experience, idea, and dream with us. We need to hear from them. I can imagine that many of them have so much to share with us. When I was in Tibet few years ago…I met three Deaf girls and we had opportunity to chat one time. I noticed they had very little education background and used gesture to communicate each other and me. Their conversation topics were repeated often but I was willing to listen to them. I questioned myself what did I learn from them and it was that they were really happy and content with themselves. I often have to remind myself to feel this way too. You looked radiant in vlog because you smelled the roses!

  • Melody 18 years ago

    June, you rock! I LOVED it! I am proud to work with you! Your vlog inspires and touches me!

    Joey, thanks for hosting!

    Amy, thanks for producing!

    Think you can get more deaf experiences/commentators from our school, Amy? (You can tell me tomorrow.)

    Smiles all around! I am really happy to see vlogging spreading and spreading and spreading… Really loving it!

    ***hands waving***

  • Jerome Cain 18 years ago

    what an impact… wish I can put the video on this box instead of my typing because of my second langauge. wish i can express better

  • Vonne Gulak 18 years ago

    June is truly beautiful. She is THE HOPE for the rest of us. Both the young and the old. And include the middle-aged, too! What she says, is so true—very similiar to my experience as a deaf child and approaching those who are in rarified atmosphere. We need to communicate with everyone – age, color, ethnic diversity, deaf & hearing (those who are willing to talk with us), and oh, the list is endless. There is a big world out there. So let’s go out and commnicate!!! And LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Yours, Vonne.

  • LS 18 years ago

    Your vlog message is incomparable and reminds us that what society equality is all about. You made my day brighter. Bless you.

  • IamMine 18 years ago

    June, I took my time to respond to this because I wanted to make it right.

    But I couldn’t after watching you again!

    I cried because that was just too beautiful and you signed the truth!!

    We are all guilty one degree or another…but, we CAN change for the better – and pass them on to our children. And for people around us.

    I look forward to the day where there’s more diversity on DeafRead.com!

    I’d like to see more of you, June! 🙂

    You have a lot to offer!

    You’ve already brightened my day, June – and countless others! 😉

    Don’t make us wait till next MLK’s day – though, I’d like you to re-visit that day to educate us even more, but do visit more often!

    Sign up with DeafRead and get your vLOGs going!!

    One day…it would no longer be a discussion amongst us, but as a history!

    We need to recognize the POWER we have as people and within ourselves – especially Deaf people – to accomplish things!!



    PS, Thanks Amy & Joey!

  • Li La Lo 18 years ago


    That is same way how I feel when I see my classmates even my cousin who graduated from Gallaudet, they act like they are better than those who didn’t graduated from University.. OH PLEASE!! We are the same person when we know each other before Galladuet..

    That’s sad but very true.. Thanks June Alsobrook for stating the truth!

  • Shawn R 18 years ago


    There you go, sista! You are like a Deaf Oprah. Where can we get more inspiration from you and your empowered organization?

    Hey, Joey – my former school track teammate. I enjoy your website.

  • martha fletcher 18 years ago

    I agree that the deaf have a long way to in order to be accepted by society. I beleive that society does not understand deafness and that is what bolcks deaf people. I support deaf people every day in my work and try to find jobs for deaf people. I beleive that deaf people must also must work along with the people that suport them and the people that are there for them.

  • Cindi Molloy 18 years ago

    Good for you! Don’t give up what you are. Show your true color and you are a good attitude.

  • Sheryl Emery 18 years ago

    June, I think you are a wonderful example of a person who has a lot to share. I am concerned however about the comments regarding a Black Deaf person with a PH D. I wonder why was it necessary to note the person was black had a PH D and snubbed you? Have you never been snubbed by a White Deaf person with a PH D? Do you think White Deaf persons with PH D do not snubb other White Deaf who dont have PH D? I assure you it happens on both sides of the color fence.

    The Black Deaf Community has too few Black Deaf people with PH D’s. I am sorry that incident happened to you. We too have our flaws. However they are no greater or no worse than what happens in general society.

    Keep up with the vlogs and continue to shed light on our community.

  • Jamila 17 years ago


    I wanted to say that I totally agreed with you, girl. I was born and raised in New Orleans, La. After I graudated from the high school, I went to National Tehnical Institute of the Deaf in Rochester, NY. I met many wonderful deaf and black students. Eventually, I met one individual who was very smart and planned to get a Ph.D degree. I looked up to that person, and I decided to meet that person. The individual gave me a disdainful look. I was under the impression about this individial. After I read the Bibile, I realized I didnt have to follow this individual because maybe this individual had her/his own flaws. I should be grateful what I have. I currently earned my Bachelor degree and I was happy about that. 🙂


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