8 pm Rally on October 26, 2006

Courtesy of DawnSignPress

8PM Rally – October 26, 2006

This is a few minutes from the 8PM rally meeting on October 26, 2006


  • Randall Doane 18 years ago

    An Injury to One is An Injury to All…

    He really know what he is talking about…beautiful ASL…rekindled my old days at union strikes…my heart bled when I saw several of ours at Gallaudet got hurt.

    Unity Gallaudet!

  • Tara E-'03 18 years ago

    Loved this! So true! We all bleed for Buff and Blue…Gallaudet United Same!!!

  • Stephon 18 years ago

    Wow! hard to believe 2 c chris on video!! keep it up!! stay 4 who u r !! u r the ROCK!!!!

  • Mike 18 years ago

    All dogs have been trained to “go” without any hesitation. How in the world did JF get her Ph.D without understanding the word: “Go!”? I would much rather have an obedient dog (not JF) at Gallaudet right now.

  • Niall McCormack 18 years ago

    You are definitely a Beacon of Light for the new generations of Deaf people. Thanks for carrying a torch during the long dark days. We were in danger of returning to the dark age of oppression on Deaf people. You are truly a survivor…

    Bless you,
    Niall McCormack
    London based Irish Deaf Artist

  • Minna from Finland 18 years ago

    I can see that he is very seriously about that. Good that. But lucky that all is over now and Jane is not more in Gally! Gongratulations for you all from here FINLAND!


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