Dear National Association of the Deaf,

one Comment

  • Sandra Goldstein 14 years ago

    NAD is not an educational organization. If Indiana School for the Deaf is in trouble, simple contact the Indiana Association of the Deaf with the aid of NAD. We must do the first step…local organizations such as Indianapolis residents who can fight including clubs of the deaf…state organizations…Ind State Association that is affiliated with the NAD, What is wrong with Ind SD alumni, faculty, teachers, parents of ISD students. NAD is outside of the boundaries. You cannot point your finger to NAD to do something. NAD cannot work alone. Other organizations in the State of Indiana must fight too. Contact CAID ( educational organization for the Deaf…Convention of American Instrucors of the Deaf) and CSEAD ( administrators of the Deaf).. NAD should develop a new position to be responsible for deaf education. NAD is a political organization fighting for grants, money. NAD does not have many staffers in the Headquarters. Educators and Adminstrators of the schools are the perfect people to fight. Alumni, parents, students, too.


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