Joey Baer

Interview with Dr. Paddy Ladd (4 of 5)

Question: Is the term “Deafhood” only applicable to the United Kingdom?

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Interview with Dr. Paddy Ladd (3 of 5)

Question: What are your observations of the Deafhood movement the last 2 years?

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Interview with Dr. Paddy Ladd (2 of 5)

Question: How did you coin the term “Deafhood?” (1:23) Part 3 to 5 will be posted by end of the week.

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Exclusive!! An Interview with Dr. Paddy Ladd

Exclusive!! An Interview with Dr. Paddy Ladd (1 of 5): It is an honor to post an interview with Paddy.  Paddy is best known for writing a book “Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search of Deafhood”. In order for us to discuss the interview and Deafhood in depth, the interview has been divided into 5 parts. This is first one […]

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Joey’s 2007 in Review

Joey offers his review of 2007 vlogs and identified 3 topics to be discussed in 2008. 1)  American Sign Language (ASL) 2) Deaf Leadership 3) Whole-System Thinking May the best be with you in 2008!

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DEFICIT THINKING: What is it??????

NO DISAGREEMENTS ALLOWED??!! GROUPTHINK?? Is discussing Deficit Thinking any of these? When a few bloggers and vloggers attempted to broach the subject of Deficit Thinking this week, the terms above were roundly thrown around. In this vlog by DE, calmly addresses the real issue of Deficit Thinking and how it affects the Deaf community.

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Join us at the 2008 DeafRead Conference!!

In this vlog, Joey explains why you should attend to the 2008 DeafRead Conference. See you all there!

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What would you do? #4 – ASL or Choices??

When discussing the decision-making process of Deaf children’s parents (ASL or Oralism, and so forth), the word “CHOICES” is often tossed around. Nowadays, this particular word has spilled over to the Deaf community- we are told that we must respect “choices”, not principles. Should we sit down and accept our current situation? What would you […]

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WIPE THE DEAF COMMUNITY OUT?! What should we do?: Are we PEOPLE or just an EAR or a GENE? This vlog discusses the United Kingdon’s new Parliament bill where the Deaf embryo is removed. There is an international outcry over this, and international action, as well. DE asks that the Deaf community, rather than despair […]

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Gallaudet University: Successful Leadership

Congratulating Gallaudet on being taken off probation, Joey reflects on his “Failed Leadership” vlog in a sequel. This time, Joey talks about… SUCCESSFUL LEADERSHIP and who saved Gallaudet University, our Deaf home.

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